Become a Member of the Harvard Club of Sri Lanka?
Any individual who has been connected with any School or department of Harvard University as a student, instructor, or visiting scholar or who has participated in any educational program at Harvard University (including executive programs, certificates, and diplomas) is eligible for membership. The Club shall have the following membership categories:
Regular Membership. Any individual who (i) has attended and successfully graduated from a degree- granting academic program from Harvard University; (ii) holds an honorary degree from Harvard University; (iii) is a student currently enrolled in Harvard University, provided that such student is actively enrolled in a degree- granting course of study; or (iv) has alumni status as defined by the Harvard Alumni Association (“HAA”).
Friends Membership (“Friends”). Any individual without alumni status as defined by the HAA who (i) has received a certificate of completion from an official program of Harvard University; (ii) is a parent of a student currently enrolled at Harvard University, such eligibility continues after the graduation of the student, provided the parents are active members of the Club at the time of graduation and continue to be so; (iii) is a spouse or child of regular members of the Club; (iv) is or was a professor, assistant professor, instructor, a lecturer at Harvard University or an intern and/or resident fellow of a teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard University.
Eligibility to Vote and Hold Office. Any Regular Member with a valid permanent address in the Club’s HAA-recognized geographic area shall be entitled to serve on the Board as Officer of the Club and have one vote in the event of voting on matters described in these By-Laws. Friends Members shall be entitled to participate in the activities of the Club, to the extent determined by the Board of Directors, but shall not be entitled to serve as an Officer or vote in the event of votes being sought at meetings of the Club.
Persons who are below 18 years of age shall not be accepted as members without the written consent of their parents or guardian.
Any person eligible and who is recorded as having paid their dues (if any) for the current Fiscal Year shall be considered a member (“Member”). The Club shall at all times maintain a register of Members which includes the Members’ names, and contact details (the “Register of Members”).
Members’ Code of Conduct
Club members should respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others. Those taking part in Club activities are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility in those activities, and are accountable for their conduct vis a vis University alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees.
The Club’s Board of Directors, after a simple majority vote under the bylaws, has the right to terminate or suspend the membership of those involved in conduct that is considered harmful to the welfare of the Harvard Club of Sri Lanka, the Board or any other member of the Harvard Club of Sri Lanka.
The members of the Board commit to observing and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct in the performance of their responsibilities on the Board of the Harvard Club of Sri Lanka. Board members pledge to accept this code as a minimum guideline for the ethical conduct of all members:
- The Harvard Club of Sri Lanka must operate exclusively to further the goals of Harvard University and the HAA for the benefit of the Club members and not to further any personal or business interests.
- Any activity that might give rise to a real or apparent conflict of interest must be fully disclosed to the Club before the proposed activity takes place. The proposed activity shall not take place without prior discussion with the President or the Vice-President of the Club, and prior approval by the Board.
- 3.A real or apparent conflict of interest refers to (i) any personal or business interest of any person involved with the Club that conflicts or might conflict with the interests and goals of Harvard University, the HAA, or the Club, or (ii) the use of the resources of the Club (including access to members) to further a personal or business interest.
- The Board has the power to exclude any individual from membership on the Board, from the position of an Officer, or general membership in the Club for violation of this Conflict of Interest Policy.
Membership Dues
Annual dues may be established from time to time by the Board of Directors. Dues, if any, shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors and shall be payable upon receipt of notice’s due date. If dues are required, they shall be paid by all Regular Members and Friends Members, including by all Members of the Board. Dues shall cover the relevant Fiscal Year. Non-payment of dues by the announced deadline shall constitute grounds for loss of membership status and privileges.
Dues shall not be changed during any fiscal year for that year, nor shall any dues be imposed upon student members.
Annual Meeting
The time and place of an Annual Meeting of Members, to be held before the end of the fiscal year, shall be determined by the Board of Directors, which shall cause notice thereof to be sent to each Member at least twenty (20) days in advance of the date of the Annual Meeting.
Other Meetings, Voting, and Quorum
Other meetings of Members shall be called by the Board of Directors at least twenty (20) days in advance of the meeting. Each Member, with a valid permanent residency in the Club’s designated geographic area, shall be entitled to one vote. Members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum provided that they constitute at least 10% of the total eligible Members, as per the Club’s records. A majority vote of those present shall be sufficient to take action on all items of business except that amendments to the by-laws shall be made only as provided in Article VI, section 2.
Resignation of Members
Any Member may resign his/her membership to the Club by notifying the Secretary and Club Administrator in writing. The resigning member will be expected to settle all dues (if any) before such resignation. Whole or pro rate of the paid dues shall not be refunded in case of such resignation.